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General Information:​

  • All successful submissions published online will be considered for publication in an upcoming issue of our journal.

  • We aim to have reviewed each article within a week of its submission, however this may vary according to editors' commitments.


Publication Guidelines:

  • Must be an original contribution to the study of history (ancient history and archaeology included).

  • Material can be coursework or simply interest pieces.

  • Work can be if preferred, published anonymously.

  • You must be a student or a graduate submitting essays written during your time at university.


Formatting Guidelines:​

  • Essays should be no less than 1,500 and no more than 10,000 words.

  • Reviews should be no less than 1,000 words.

  • The document should be single-spaced.

  • Footnotes are required: they will be put at the base of an article by editors.

  • Referencing style:


Submission Link:


Any Queries:

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