The Russian Civil War and the Evolution of Soviet Terror
Historiographical Debates About Nazi Repression and Ordinary Complicity in the Third Reich
Enemy of my Enemy: King Mithradates VI of Pontos and his alternative model of Hellenistic kingship
To what extent did Stalin’s nationality policy in the South Caucasus differ by ethnic group?
'Shari'a and Kanun: A Study of the Ottoman Empire's Legal System
Was the revolt in Zanzibar of 1964 determined by race or ideology?
A heap of masks buried in Syrian sands: The faces of Queen Zenobia and the woman behind them
Native Americans and the ‘Plan for Civilisation’, c.1783 - 1830
Arab Strategy in the 1948 War
Shah Abbas: Founder of Iranian Modernity or Upholder of Tradition?
The Political Uses of Art Patronage in the Timurid and Safavid Empires
Khrushchev's new image of leadership post-Stalin
Between Control and Compromise: The Establishment of Spain’s American Empire
Charles of Anjou: a success or failure?
Policy or Place: which determined the genocide of European Jews?
Was emancipation during the Civil War driven more by military necessity than moral conviction?
How important was Soviet support for Ethiopia's Derg regime?
New Latin American Cold War Historiography and the coups of Guatemala in 1954 and Chile in 1973
A Unifying Force for Christianity and the Roman Empire: The Council of Nicaea
Mediation and Facilitation: Peace Talks in the Arab-Israeli War